Ergonomics is the study and design of fitting the task to the worker to maximize performance and reduce discomfort. Ergonomics can be divided into three domains: physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics.
Physical ergonomics is concerned with the anatomical, bio-mechanical, physiological, and anthropometric elements in relation to movement.
Cognitive ergonomics is concerned with the mental processes involved in human-system interactions.
Organizational ergonomics is concerned with socio-technical elements in relation to employee well-being.
Ergonomics is essential in the workplace to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), boost productivity, optimize workflow, reduce absenteeism, and improve employee morale.

Are musculoskeletal disorders a growing risk to companies?
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent one of the leading causes of lost workdays in industry and are associated with major economic costs. There are several risk factors that lead to MSDs in workers.
Several risk factors are known to be associated with MSDs!
Certain workplace conditions, for example, the layout of the workstation, the speed of work (especially in conveyor-driven jobs), and the weight of the objects being handled influence these factors. In other situations, the psychosocial factors at the workplace may contribute to MSDs.

U.S. businesses spend a week on serious, nonfatal workplace injuries.
In direct U.S. workers compensation costs
Workers suffer work-related MSDs every year
$1 of
every $3
Spent on workers’ compensation stems from insufficient ergonomic protection
Cost per year. Overexertion involving outside sources (handling object)
Why is force an ergonomic hazard?
Increased forces, through external loads and internal muscular contractions leads to high levels of stress within the joints and greater compression on the spine.
For stationary and mobile employees, we must also consider the force exerted by the ground with the foot (ground reactive forces).
Improved shock absorption using MEGAComfort insoles.
MEGAComfort insoles work to absorb the downward forces of gravity, the ground reactive forces, and any external load forces.
Force is dissipated through the insole, minimizing forces compounded at the joint and spinal level

Cost per year. Other exertions or bodily reactions (awkward postures)
Why is awkward posture an ergonomic hazard?
Working in an awkward posture, outside of the body’s neutral position, requires more muscular effort and decreases functional stability at the joint site.
Fatigue induced pronation of the feet leads to increased joint stress at the knees, hips, and low back region
How can MEGAComfort insoles help?
By supporting the neutral arch of the feet, fatigue related pronation and subsequent anterior tilt of the pelvic bone.
Individualized support provided based on arch type.
Cost per year. Repetitive motions involving microtasks
Why is repetition an ergonomic hazard?
Highly repetitive tasks and sustained static posture required continuous muscular effort without providing sufficient rest time to the muscles.
Employees that walk or remain still for most of their shift are at a greater risk of experiencing fatigue and the associated MSDs in the lower extremities.
How can MEGAComfort insoles help?
Improving blood circulation to the active and static muscles reduces discomfort and localized fatigue experienced in the lower extremity.
Reduction in compensatory lower leg muscle activity (ie. shifting one’s weight from one leg to the other due to discomfort from prolonged standing).

Cost per year. Falls on the same level
Why is balance an ergonomic hazard?
Poor balance contributes to 1/3 of falls seen in workers over the age of 65.
Loss of balance can lead to muscular strains as the body attempts to prevent a fall from occurring.
How can MEGAComfort insoles help?
Direct contact with the foot allows for improved balance by increasing the support within the footwear
Use of MEGAComfort insoles prevents slip/trip/fall hazards caused by anti-fatigue mats